What Does Your Palm Say About Your Future?


By: Ian Fortey

5 Min Quiz

Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

What most people call "palm reading" is also known as palmistry or, if you want to sound super informed, chiromancy. Basically, the idea is that one's fate can be foretold by the lines that crisscross their hands. It's a surprisingly common belief, and also a very old one, that has shown up in cultures all throughout the world and history. And by history, we mean ancient history, as in thousands of years old. You can find a tradition of this not just in Ancient Greece and Rome but Tibet, Babylon, India, China, Persia and more. This was the real deal for a lot of people all over the world.

Palmistry may have fallen out of fashion in later years, but there are still those who can divine your fate from your hands. Many people are still very much enthralled by Tarot card readings, horoscopes and even psychics. Palmistry is all in the same wheelhouse and can offer a new and unique variation on what the universe has in store for you, if only you open yourself up to believe. So, are you interested? Show us those hands and we'll do our best to show you the future that awaits!

Are you ambidextrous?


Have you noticed the lines on your hands change over time?


At the base of your index finger, you can find the Ring of Solomon. How pronounced is yours?


Have you ever had your palm read by an expert?


Do you shake hands with your left or your right?


Is palmistry an exact science to you or more of a guide to what could be on the way?


There's a superstition that says an itchy left palm means you'll be paying money out, and right palm means you'll be getting money. Do you believe it?


Your fate line runs up and down the middle of your palm. Is yours solid or broken up?


Have you ever have your fingernails read?


The Mount of Jupiter is the fleshy bump under your index finger. How does your look?


There are seven hand types in Palmistry. Do you know yours?


In general, what's the shape of your hand?


There are generally two kinds of thumbs in palmistry — flexible or stiff. Which is yours?


Your head line extends from between thumb and forefinger across the middle of your hand. How far across does yours go?


Finger length is also a part of palmistry. The ratio between the length of your index and ring fingers is the 2D:4D ratio. Do you know yours?


Do your palms sweat when you're nervous?


If you look very carefully under your ring finger you may see a triangle known as the Psychic Triangle. Do you see one?


Do you have steady hands?


Your heart line starts below your pinkie and extends across. Do you have a long one?


Do you feel like you have a strong intuition?


Everyone likes money lines! They're short, vertical lines under your pinkie and ring finger. How do yours look?


Look for a line that runs up and down under your ring finger. That's your sun line! How does yours look?


Just at a quick glance, how many lines do you have that are very prominent and easy to see?


Bracelet lines go around your wrist just below the palm. How many do you have?


Are most of your prominent lines solid, or do they branch?


Are your hands strong?


Your middle finger is your Saturn finger. How long is yours?


Do you have unusually large or unusually small hands?


If your palm says your destiny is a certain way, can you change it?


There's a line around the base of your thumb called the Family Ring. How does yours look?


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